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  • Writer's pictureOngeziwe Bulana

Agile Testing: What is it good for?

Agile testing is an important part of modern software development. It focuses on flexibility, speed, and teamwork, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. At Zamaqo we like it very much, but is it good for everyone?

What is Agile testing 

Agile testing is an approach that aligns with the Agile development process. Unlike traditional testing, which happens after coding is done, Agile testing occurs continuously in parallel to the development cycle. From the planning stage to deployment, testers, developers, and other stakeholders work together to ensure quality is maintained every step of the way.

The goal of Agile testing is to match the core principles of Agile: continuous delivery, quick responses to changes, and collaboration across teams.

Key attributes of Agile testing:

Communication with Product Owners

  • Strong focus on clear communication with product owners. Testers work closely with them to understand what is expected from the project and to ensure the final product aligns with the roadmap and meets customer needs. This proactive approach helps spot potential issues early and keeps testing efforts aligned with the business goals.

Close Collaboration with Developers

  • Testers in Agile teams don’t work separately from developers - they’re part of the same team. They collaborate closely, reporting quality issues as they come up, suggesting improvements, and playing a key role in refining the solution. By being part of the development process, testing happens in real time, which leads to faster feedback and better quality control.

The Whole Team is Involved in Quality Assurance

  • Quality isn’t just the responsibility of the testers; the entire team is involved. Developers write unit tests, follow testing recommendations, and focus on improving the code. This collaborative effort ensures that everyone is committed to delivering high-quality software, making quality assurance a shared goal.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Short Development Cycles

  • Challenge: Agile sprints move quickly, usually lasting just a few weeks. This fast pace can make it hard to carry out thorough testing.

  • Solution: Adopt continuous testing. Integrate automated testing into your CI/CD pipeline using tools like Selenium or Zamaqo’s Automated Testing Suite (ZATS). Continuous testing ensures that quality is maintained throughout the sprint without slowing down development.

Frequent Changes

  • Challenge: Agile’s flexible nature often leads to frequent changes in requirements, which can disrupt planned testing efforts. Agile teams deliver working software frequently, typically every two weeks.

  • Solution: Combine exploratory testing with structured tests. Exploratory testing allows testers to quickly adjust to changes by exploring how the software behaves in real-time. Use tools like Jira and TestRail to keep test cases updated as user stories evolve.

Lack of Dedicated Testers

  • Challenge: Some Agile teams don’t have dedicated testers, and developers are expected to handle testing tasks. This can lead to missed issues.

  • Solution: While Agile teams are often cross-functional, having specialised testers is important. If you don’t have dedicated testers, create a testing culture within the team. Train developers to think like testers and make quality assurance everyone’s responsibility to ensure nothing gets overlooked.

Collaboration and Communication Gaps

  • Challenge: Agile emphasises collaboration, but sometimes communication between testers, developers, and product owners can break down, leading to misaligned testing efforts.

  • Solution: Encourage regular three amigos meetings—sessions where developers, testers, and product owners discuss user stories and acceptance criteria together. This ensures that everyone understands the requirements and testing needs, reducing miscommunication.

Challenges with Automation

  • Challenge: Automation is key in Agile, but not every test needs to be automated. Deciding which tests to automate and keeping them up to date can be difficult.

  • Solution: Focus on automating the most important and repetitive tests. For example, use ZATS to handle crucial tests without overcomplicating your process. Prioritise automating the tests that need to be run often, like regression tests.

Ensuring Comprehensive Test Coverage

  • Challenge: Covering all tests within short sprints can be tough, especially when balancing manual and automated testing.

  • Solution: Use risk-based testing to focus on the most critical areas first. Make sure that the most important parts of the software are tested thoroughly. Use code coverage tools to track what’s been tested and adjust your efforts to cover any gaps.


Agile testing is all about close collaboration, continuous improvement, and adaptability. While it offers many benefits, it also comes with challenges like short development cycles, frequent changes, and the balance between manual and automated testing. At Zamaqo we prefer the agile testing approach, by focusing on continuous testing, fostering teamwork, and making quality everyone’s job.

We believe agile testing delivers high-quality software efficiently and cost-effectively. For these reasons, we encourage you to adopt this method.

Alternatively, you can engage Zamaqo to test your applications and custom software products on your behalf, leveraging our expertise in agile testing practices.


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