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  • Writer's pictureMark Shepstone

Have you heard of a PWA?

In this age of constant digital innovation, new buzzwords appear on the horizon almost daily. "PWA" (aka Progressive Web Application) is one of them. But, what is a PWA? Well, in its simplest form, a PWA, or Progressive Web App, is a website that acts and feels like a mobile app.

You've probably used a mobile application, like WhatsApp, Instagram or Uber. You click on the app's icon, it loads up, you navigate through different pages, receive notifications, and you can even use some features when you're offline. A PWA does all this, but with a twist – it lives in your web browser, like Chrome or Safari, and does **NOT** need to be downloaded and installed from an app store.

The beauty of PWAs is that they bridge the gap between websites and mobile apps. They're built using standard web technologies, but they leverage these to deliver an experience that feels more like using an app on your phone. It's as if the website morphed into an app right on your device.

The biggest advantage of PWAs?

-Lower cost to develop (like 20%-30% of a traditional App bundle!!)

-Fast - Develop and deploy in record speed

-No download and install required - No worries about out of date apps etc

-No publishing the Apple app store or Google play etc required

-Develop once-use everywhere! PC, Mobile &, Tablet

- Maintain 1 version only! - works across all platforms Windows, Android, iOS, and web browsers…. I can not tell you how amazing this is.

Downsides you may ask? The first is that it may be a little slower on your handset, although when I say "slower", I mean milliseconds.... most people would not even know!

Secondly you may not have 100% access to all the programming features of a native app although we have not yet found any "deal breakers".

I certainly believe technology **will** and is moving away from traditional apps and the tedious process to develop/deploy/maintain these separately for IOS/Android/Windows as well as desktop computers in favour of progressive web apps.

So next time when you see the term "PWA," you'll know it's not just another tech jargon. It's an innovative blend of web and mobile app technology, making our digital lives a bit easier and more unified.


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