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  • Writer's pictureOngeziwe Bulana

iOS vs Android market share

iOS vs Android market share

The ongoing debate between iOS and Android has shaped the smartphone landscape for years. Understanding the market share dynamics across different countries, provides valuable insights into consumer preferences and industry trends. 

Who are your users? What devices do they use? Testing is always context dependent, since user base and device preferences can vary depending on the location. For instance, if your target audience is primarily in the US, focusing on iOS might make sense.

However, for a global audience, you'll likely need to include both Android and iOS versions to enable a good reach for your application. In terms of software quality this dual OS release strategy does complicate matters making testing even more critical.

In this article, we explore the iPhone and Android market shares in various nations, shedding light on the popularity of these operating systems worldwide. 

Comparing popularity: iOS vs. Android - The iPhone vs. Android phones debate

iOS vs Android market share 2023

While iPhone stands as one of the most recognizable and popular cell phone product lines worldwide, boasting over 1 billion active devices, Android surpasses it in sheer numbers. With 3 billion active devices, Android has the upper hand in the global smartphone market. Recent statistics reveal that Android commands a 70.69% share of the global smartphone market, while iPhone (iOS) accounts for 28.58%.

iPhone vs Android

Why do some countries prefer iPhone iOS and others prefer Android?

The main reason we would argue is pricing! iPhones are significantly more expensive to purchase than Android devices.

Second main reason against iPhone is that Apple does not allow for any memory expansion by design whereas Android devices allow for such.

Other reasons may be the attraction to specific features like camera quality or stylus functionality.  Android also allows for major customisation of the operating system, features and applications although we believe that ‘too much’ customisation also causes confusion amongst users who are not technically savvy. Android devices allow for greater flexibility in customizing the Home Screen, Lock Screen, and app icons, and even the entire interface can be transformed.

On the other hand, iPhones are renowned for their premium build quality, which contributes to their sustained resale value. Additionally, Apple's strict control over its ecosystem means iPhones typically remain as flagship models for longer periods, with less frequent launches of newer models compared to the multitude of Android devices.

iOS Vs Android market share by country

iOS market share
Android market share
  1. In South Africa Android dominates the smartphone market with an impressive 81.99% share, leaving iOS with a modest 17.67% share. This disparity reflects the prevalence of affordable Android devices catering to a diverse consumer base.

  2. Switzerland presents a contrasting picture, with iOS holding a significant lead at 56.81% compared to Android's 42.32%. The preference for iOS in this affluent European nation underscores the popularity of Apple's ecosystem and premium devices among Swiss consumers.

  3. The United States key battleground for iOS and Android, demonstrates a notable preference for iPhones, capturing 58.1% of the market share. Android, while still substantial at 41.46%, faces stiff competition from Apple's flagship devices, reflecting the strong brand loyalty and consumer appeal of iPhones in the US market.

  4. United Kingdom, similar to the US the United Kingdom showcases a preference for iPhones, albeit with a narrower margin. iOS holds a 52.28% market share, slightly edging out Android's 47.16%. This balanced rivalry underscores the competitive landscape and consumer diversity within the UK smartphone market.

  5. In China the world's largest smartphone market, Android reigns supreme with a commanding 75.24% market share, leaving iOS with a relatively modest 24.22%. The affordability and extensive availability of Android devices from domestic manufacturers drive its dominance in this populous nation.

  6. Brazil follows a similar trend to South Africa, with Android leading the market with an 81.48% share, while iOS captures 18.24%. This disparity reflects the affordability and accessibility of Android devices in the Brazilian market.

  7. Australia presents a more evenly balanced landscape, with Android 59.73% compared to iOS 39.27%. This reflects the popularity of Android products among Australian consumers, driven by brand loyalty and a preference for premium devices.

  8. South Korea, home to tech giants like Samsung, shows a preference for Android, with a 69.33% market share, while iOS captures 30.38%. Despite Apple's global appeal, Android's dominance in South Korea is bolstered by the presence of local brands and a strong Android ecosystem.

  9. In Japan, iOS continues to dominate with a commanding 68.75% market share, surpassing Android, which holds a 31.1% share. This highlights the strong preference for iOS devices among Japanese consumers, reflecting the unique trends in the country's mobile market.

  10. North Korea remarkably, despite iPhones being illegal in North Korea, iOS commands a significant market share of 82.33%, while Android holds a modest 17.67%. This phenomenon highlights the perceived security advantages of iPhones in the North Korean market.

iPhone Vs Android user demographics (USA Only)

Research shows clear distinctions between iPhone and Android users in terms of income, engagement, and security perceptions.

iPhone users tend to earn more, with an average salary of $53,251 compared to $37,040 for Android users. They also spend more time on their phones, sending more texts and taking more selfies.

In terms of security, iPhone users are slightly more confident in their device's security features, while Android users are more likely to use native password managers.

These insights highlight the unique habits and preferences of iPhone and Android users, shaping the smartphone market in distinct ways.

iPhone vs Android users by age worldwide

This chart shows that although iPhone iOS users are generally younger, Android remains consistent across all age groups


12 – 27



28 – 43



44 – 59



60 – 69




The iOS vs. Android debate continues to shape the smartphone market globally. Understanding regional preferences, user demographics, and market dynamics , you can make informed decisions about where to allocate your resources for app testing and ensure a smoother user experience for your target audience.

We hope this article helps you identify which mobile phone operating systems you should concentrate your efforts on, although in most cases it shows that both Android and iOS need to remain in consideration.

For us at Zamaqo there is no preference in any operating system or platform as our goal is to ensure our clients release quality software, irrespective of such choices. 

One last piece of advice, when you are considering your application, be it web mobile or other, please speak to your Software QA provider early, even during the design phase, as their input can be majorly beneficial.


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