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  • Writer's pictureOngeziwe Bulana

Ways to improve regression testing

improve regression testing

Ensuring software quality is vital during development, with regression testing playing a key role. While essential, it can be time-consuming and tricky. This article will explore the basics of regression testing and share strategies to improve its effectiveness and efficiency.

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What is regression testing?

Regression testing is a software testing technique where previously tested code is retested to ensure that any recent changes or additions haven't adversely affected its functionality.

Regression testing involves re-executing both functional and non-functional tests to verify that a software application behaves correctly following any modifications, updates, or optimisations. This process is crucial within the software development lifecycle, enabling developers to identify unforeseen issues resulting from adjustments, improvements, or expansions to the codebase.

The scope of regression testing

The scope of regression testing refers to the extent and breadth of the testing process aimed at ensuring that changes made to a software application do not adversely affect its existing functionality. This involves retesting previously developed and implemented software features to verify that they still perform as intended after modifications or enhancements have been made to the system.

The scope of regression testing may vary depending on factors such as the size and complexity of the software, the criticality of the changes, time constraints, and available resources. However, it is essential to strike a balance between thoroughness and efficiency to ensure effective testing without excessive time and resource consumption.

Regression testing scope

Ways to boost your regression testing

Set goals and measure success

Establish clear objectives for your regression testing efforts and track key metrics to gauge progress and effectiveness. But how will you prove progress if you don't have a starting point and an end goal?

To demonstrate progress effectively, it's essential to establish clear metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) even in the absence of a predetermined starting point and end goal. These metrics provide tangible evidence of advancement and help maintain focus on impactful initiatives. Here's how to set up KPIs:

  • Test coverage

  • Bugs entering production

  • Speed of testing

  • Speed of releases

Automate where possible

To accelerate the completion of regression test cycles, automating regression testing is essential. Given its time-consuming and repetitive nature, regression testing can fatigue and bore human testers. Automation significantly expedites this process, ensuring that new features or functionalities can be implemented promptly without undue delays.

Design efficient tests

Having a lot of tests doesn't necessarily mean they're effective. The key is efficiency.

Simply having numerous tests can be misleading. The real value lies in how efficiently those tests cover the necessary ground.

Imagine this scenario: if one carefully crafted test can accomplish the same coverage as five other tests combined, you've achieved an 80% reduction in test volume and effort.

While automation streamlines the testing process, running an excessive number of automated tests still consumes time and resources. It's more effective to have fewer, yet more targeted tests that yield meaningful results.

To enhance test case efficiency, employ advanced techniques such as decision tables and combinatorial methods like pairwise testing. There are tools available specifically for generating efficient test cases.

Even with these tools, it's important to manually define expected results in many cases. Prioritise identifying critical functions before delving into test design and execution.

Leverage test management tools

Utilise test management tools to organise, execute, and track regression test cases efficiently. These tools offer features such as test case management, scheduling, reporting, and integration with other testing and development tools, enhancing overall test management and collaboration.

Regular review and optimisation

Continuously review and optimise your regression testing process to identify areas for improvement. Solicit feedback from testers, analyse test results, and refine your testing strategy to enhance efficiency and effectiveness over time. Regularly updating test suites and eliminating redundant or obsolete test cases can streamline the regression testing process and improve overall productivity.

Focus on scenarios at the system integration level

Instead of solely testing individual functions, prioritise testing end-to-end scenarios at the system integration level. This approach ensures that the software behaves correctly in real-world usage scenarios and facilitates the detection of integration issues that may arise when different system components interact.

Create standards and follow them

Establish standardised procedures, guidelines, and documentation for regression testing, and ensure adherence to these standards across the testing team. Consistent practices help streamline the testing process, improve test repeatability, and maintain testing quality over time. Regularly review and update standards to incorporate lessons learned and industry best practices.

The benefits of following regression testing best practices

Following regression testing best practices offers several benefits:

  • Improved efficiency: By automating repetitive test cases, prioritising critical test cases, and utilising regression test suites, regression testing processes become more efficient. This allows testing teams to complete regression testing cycles in shorter timeframes, accelerating the software release cycle and reducing time-to-market.

  • Increased reliability: Following standardised procedures and leveraging test management tools help ensure consistency and repeatability in regression testing activities. This leads to more reliable test results and greater confidence in the quality of the software being released.

  • Faster feedback loop: Integrating regression testing into continuous integration/continuous deployment CI/CD pipelines and utilising automation tools enable rapid feedback on code changes. This allows development teams to detect and address regression issues early in the development process, minimising the time and effort required for defect resolution.

  • Increased customer satisfaction: By ensuring the reliability and quality of software updates through rigorous regression testing, organisations can enhance customer satisfaction. Minimising regression defects and delivering stable, bug-free releases contribute to a positive user experience and build trust and loyalty among customers.


Making regression testing better means not just making software good but also using time and resources well. By setting clear goals, automating tests, designing tests smartly, using tools, focusing on big-picture testing, and sticking to standards, we can make testing faster and more reliable.

These methods bring benefits like quicker testing, more trustworthy results, faster feedback, and happier customers. By weaving testing into the development process and always improving how we test, we can release better software with fewer problems, making everyone happier.


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